Best Practices for Even Better Closings
Mar 04, 2024 | Realtor Resources | Share:
Little details often make a big difference between an okay closing experience and an amazing closing experience for your clients. And since closing is your final touchpoint, you want to do everything possible to ensure that closing is stress-free and enjoyable.
Unfortunately, you can’t control every detail associated with closing. But you can impact the outcome by attending to your own behaviors.
Believe it or not, a few habits and choices can significantly impact the quality of your closing. Read our guide to level-up your closings for your clients.
Know Your Client
Every client is different. You already know that you can’t take the same approach with every client during the buying or selling process; closings are no different. Make it your goal to provide tailored service to your clients throughout the entire transaction, from the initial contact to the final signature. Tailored service begins with knowing your client.
By knowing your client well, you can truly personalize their closing experience. You’ve spent more time with your client than anyone else involved in the closing, so you know what they really need from both you and the closing company.
Your client may need one or more of the following things.
Educated clients are often satisfied clients. Most clients don’t have a ton of experience with real estate closings, so they may not know what to expect. There’s no need for the closing process to be shrouded in mystery: communicate with your clients to ensure that they understand the steps that take them to closing day. First-time homebuyers will likely need the most education; more experienced buyers or investors will probably need less.
Your clients have a lot going on. Life is already hectic with family, work, and community responsibilities, and moving adds another layer of stress. Clients do have a few responsibilities during the closing process, so well-timed and intentional reminders can be a lifeline for them. Some helpful reminders include:
- A printed overview of client responsibilities
- A closing checklist with items to bring to closing
- A text or phone call with directions to closing or a reminder of the closing time
Different types of reminders work for different people, so ask your client what would be most helpful to them.
Your client may need help locating vendors or other resources to make their move easier. Fortunately, you probably already have a great network of resources and contacts. Some support resources your client may appreciate include:
- Moving companies
- House cleaners
- Contractors
- Pest services
- Decorators
Trustworthy referrals can save your clients significant time and energy. One caveat: make sure your referrals are truly trustworthy – you never want to refer your client to a vendor that botches the job.
If your client needs to close on a specific day or time, you are best positioned to advocate for them and schedule a convenient closing. For example, if your client has small children, scheduling closing while the kids are in preschool may be helpful. Your closing company may also have flexible closing options, such as travel closings for clients with intense seasonal schedules (like a CPA in late March) or mail-away closings for clients who are moving out of town. Communicate with your client and the closing company early to ensure that closing is convenient for you and your clients.
Even if you think you know what your client needs, it’s always a good idea to ask them as well. Asking will help them to feel seen and cared for.
Pay Attention to Details
Every real estate closing ends with the transfer of property from the seller to the buyer, but the details of the experience make a real difference. When you pay attention to the details, you communicate competency and care for your client.
Be Prepared
Preparation matters. Preparation can look like early communication with the title and closing company about potential red flags or particular closing requirements. But as a busy agent, you need to make sure you have everything straight for your closings.
- Verify the time, date, and location of closing. If you’ve got multiple closings scheduled, always make sure you’ve got everything correct in your calendar.
- Make sure you bring everything you need. Ensure that you and your client have all of the required documents, including identification and powers of attorney.
- Be organized. Simple details like an on-time arrival and organized files reinforce the trust you have built with your client.
While you can’t predict the future, you can make sure to have your schedule and your supplies prepared for closing.
Thank Your Client
You’ve spent a lot of time with your client and walked with them through the entire real estate transaction. In return, they’ve placed a lot of trust in your abilities and you’ve been compensated for that work. It’s always important to make sure you let your client know that you value their business and their trust. A thoughtful, handwritten note works wonders for communicating your gratitude; you could also include a small, meaningful gift if desired.
Follow-Up After Closing
Although the sale is complete, it’s always a good idea to follow-up with your clients in the days following closing. While you may not want to reach out the very next day, a quick check-in a week after closing can be helpful.
- Does your client have any outstanding needs or questions related to the transaction? You may be able to help or advocate for them.
- Does your client have feedback for you? Ask your client what went well for them and what you could do better in the future.
- Is there anything you need to correct or make right?
Establish a habit of following up with your clients at a set time after closing.
Keep a Positive Attitude
You can’t control the behavior or attitude of anyone but yourself. Stay committed to bringing a positive attitude to the closing table, no matter what the circumstances may be. A positive attitude communicates to your clients that they’re safe and in good hands.
Attitude is contagious. If you demonstrate a positive, comfortable attitude, chances are good that your client will adopt this posture as well. If you demonstrate a frustrated or stressed demeanor, clients may feed off of that. A positive attitude can also help to minimize client stress since clients often look to their realtor to know how to respond at the closing table.
A positive attitude also includes a dedication to a posture of problem-solving. Although your closing company will work to ensure your closing is straightforward, closings can occasionally be unpredictable. Be ready to address any last-minute issues that arise; be willing to think outside the box and advocate for your client’s well-being no matter what happens.
It’s so important to finish well. By partnering with a closing company you can trust, you’re putting yourself in a position to ensure that the final step of the real estate transaction is an enjoyable experience for both you and your client.
At South Oak Title and Closing, we’re committed to supporting agents so that they can better support and provide outstanding service to their clients. We’re here for you whether you need education on the title and closing process or you need to schedule a closing. Contact us today for more information on how we support agents at South Oak.